Monday, July 19, 2010


This is going to be a fun one. Fun because I've seen the kinds of reactions most people have when I mention that drugs -- all drugs -- should be legal. I feel like I should have a few disclaimers to go along with this:
1. I am not a drug user and do not associate (knowingly) with drug users.
2. I do not want my kids using drugs or being around them.
3. I am not just some anti-establishment hack with no aim other than to "get rid of all the rules"

My aim is freedom, for reasons that should not need to be mentioned.

Now, onto business. Let me just address a few of the arguments people often offer:

"If drugs become legal, more people will start going out and trying drugs."
- This is not even believable. Ask yourself "Self...would you try heroine tomorrow if it was suddenly legal?" Most people will answer "No". This just goes back to "thinking". If you simply think about it, rather than just relying on emotions, this is obvious.

"You'll never change my mind. I've seen close friends/family overdose or otherwise had their lives ruined by drugs."
- Yes this is indeed unfortunate. So what you're telling me is that, while drugs were outlawed, your family member still ruined their life with them? Hmm... so legalizing drugs would do what? Cause MORE people to ruin their lives? It wouldn't happen. See example 1

"So you want to be able buy drugs at any drug store?"
- Sure. Now the thing is drugs have this picture of dirtiness associated with them, due almost entirely to the fact that it is an underground world. It's not as if there would be little baggies of marijuana or perfect cubes of crack rocks that you grab with tongs. I really don't know what people imagine when they think of illicit drugs for sale at a store, but this would be something to sort out later.

I've heard other arguments that just boggle my mind, but I'm going to end here for now. Let me make clear that while I imagine potheads, crack addicts, and other junkies might immediately take sides with me, I do not care what they (you?) think. I am aiming this more towards those of you who think this is crazy and stupid. Don't let your emotions or the pictures on TV (or the guy on your living room floor) stop you from THINKING. (Funny how it always comes back to that).

The point of everything I write about is to make a better world for all. Drug prohibition has made a worse world. The easiest (and almost perfect) correlation to make is alcohol prohibition in the 1920's. Prohibition did not stop people from drinking. It didn't even slow them down. What it did do was provide a black market which allowed organized crime to grow and become powerful. The same way illegal drugs today have facilitated the growth of the gangs in Mexico.

This is yet another example that fits perfectly with my post about "thinking". Decades ago, politicians noticed the harmful effects of drugs and declared them -- one at a time -- illegal. To be fair, there's almost no way they could have predicted all the violence they've caused.