Now, we all know plenty of liberals who are well over 40: Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi... I can't name them all. I could spend all day speculating as to why these people retain their childish outlook, but for this post I want to address a different issue.
For those 20-somethings out there who have a heart and naturally tend toward the left, I ask: Have you ever put any real thought into your beliefs? Most YOUNG people who have a liberal bent only think that way because they want to end poverty, suffering, violence, etc., and who doesn't want that? However they are disillusioned when it comes to how to solve these problems. It's primarily due to thinking on a very superficial level, such as:
"People are poor? Solution: Give them money." (Welfare)
"People are killed by guns? Solution: Ban guns."
Please don't tell me you think these are reasonable....and don't try to tell me that these examples are over-simplifications either. There are people who call these things viable solutions. It's just not that simple though. It's not that complicated either, but solutions DO require SOME thought.